Protruding ears are an aesthetic problem that occurs due to birth or genetic reasons. Since the ears have completed most of their development around the age of 6, prominent ear surgery can be performed starting from this age. Protruding ears are a subject of ridicule among children and may cause psychological distress in the child.
Prominent Ear Surgery Details
The medical translation of prominent ear surgeries is called Otoplasty. In Greek, ou means ear, and plasti means to shape, that is, to give shape to the ear when the two are combined. There are non-surgical solutions such as autoplasy, where deformities and defects are surgically corrected. The surgeon who makes otoplastic adjustments corrects the outer ear by creating an outer ear with natural proportions or by bringing the existing one to normal dimensions or angle. Generally, reshaping, mobilization and contour regulation of the ear is done by supporting the cartilaginous auricle. Also, congenital deformities related to ear formation, such as Treacher Collins Syndrome and hemifacial microsomia, can be corrected during otoplasty surgeries.
Otoplasty, that is, ear surgery, was first introduced under the title of prominent ear surgery for the correction of prominent ears by the Indian ayurvedic Doctor Sushruta, who lived in ancient India, approximately around 3000 BC. It was built in the 5th century. Physician Sushruta and his medical students have made great progress in otoplasty and prominent ear surgery and even other advanced plastic surgery corrections. The fame of Indian medicine and its use of Sushruta Samhita techniques until today has been a source of inspiration for all contemporary plastic surgeons until the late 18th century.
What Causes Protruding Ears?
The outer ear, that is, the auricle, has a shaped structure. This tissue, formed within a delicate and complex framework, has a challenging anatomy for surgery. Cartilage tissue is attached to the skin with a thin, tight, adherent, hairless structure. Although it is a small area, the external ear surface anatomy has a complex structure consisting of the pinna (auricle) and the external ear (auditory canal). The outer frame of the pinna covers a shin formed in the anterior helix and extending horizontally over the auditory canal. The spiral joins downwards from the cauda helix, that is, the spiral tail, and connects to the lobule, that is, the earlobe. The angle problem in this area creates the problem that causes prominent ear surgeries, that is, prominent ear deformity. Protruding ear surgeries, which are within the branch of otoplasty, focus on correcting this problem. The earlier the prominent ear operations are performed, the more likely you are to disrupt the ear’s memory and break the code that allows it to regain its former state. In addition, doing it at an early age allows preventing psychological problems in the child. Because many pre-school children are exposed to ridicule and ridicule by their friends because of their prominent ears. With prominent ear surgeries that can be performed before starting primary school, the child’s mental health is taken under control and mental health problems such as introversion that may hinder his success are prevented.
Prominent Ear Surgery Process
Protruding ear surgeries are easy and provide accurate results. Surgery should be performed under hospital conditions. Depending on age, general or local anesthesia can be performed. It is entered behind the ear and the ear cartilages are stitched and shaped. The surgery takes 1-1.5 hours. Afterwards, buffered bandages are applied behind the ear. Since it is an aesthetic stitch, the stitches are not removed. Scars are not visible. The patient can go home the same day. Using painkillers relaxes the person. Removal of the bandages takes 2-3 days. It is necessary to use a headband to protect the ears against external impacts for approximately 15 days. Plastic surgery on the ears is a permanent solution. Choosing experienced plastic surgeons will reduce possible risks.
Prominent Ear Aesthetics Examination
An examination is performed before prominent ear surgery. In this control, the front perspective of the ears is checked. When looking at the auricle from the front, the spiral rim is visible. The first goal in prominent ear surgery will be to tilt this spiral backwards. When looking at the pinna from behind, there should be no distortion and it should be symmetrical. In the rear perspective, the helical rim should be straight, not bent, that is, straight enough towards the earlobe, like a hockey stick. If the spiral rim is flat, the cartilaginous structure must be corrected. In addition, when looking at the ear from the side, that is, in the side perspective, the contour of the ear should be soft and natural and should not have a sharp or artificial position.
Prominent Ear Aesthetics in Children
The timing of prominent ear surgery or ear deformity correction in children is extremely important. 4 years old is considered the most reasonable age for this. The ear completes its development by the age of 4. Whether it is a child or an elderly individual, prominent ear surgeries can be performed using different techniques and different anesthesia preferences. This decision should be made by the doctor who will perform the prominent ear surgery and the parents or individuals. According to recent research, 20 to 30 percent of children are born with external ear deformities. It is thought that prominent ears may occur due to an extremely wide angle in the auricle, genetic predisposition, or a difference in the baby’s development.
Other Prominent Ear Aesthetic Operations
Prominent ear aesthetics with thread is one of the new era operations. It is a method used to bring the incorrect angle we have just described to the correct angle with threads. Non-surgical prominent ear aesthetics with thread provides great advantages to the patient during the recovery period. The convalescence period is spent wearing only a headband, and there is no need for dressings or stitches. The threads placed inside change the angle of the ear and ensure that this area looks smooth for a lifetime. Another new technique is laser prominent ear surgery. This method is performed with the most advanced devices and laser application. The cartilage tissue is thinned by the beam given by the laser and is actually weakened in a way to prevent it from making an excessive angle. In this way, the ear cartilage gets the correct angle. The patient gets rid of his prominent ears. Another advantage of laser prominent ear surgery is that there is no bleeding. The laser prevents blood vessels from overflowing and a clean surgical procedure is achieved. It is observed that the patient recovers more easily and quickly.
Regardless of which technique is used, after prominent ear surgery, the patient must be protected from external factors for a few weeks, that is, for the tissue to adapt to its new state and fuse. Doctors who perform prominent ear surgery inform their patients about the necessary washing, care, protection and which medications to use. It is extremely important to follow these rules.