Aesthetic, proportionate legs are unquestionably among the most important elements of external beauty. The harmony of the upper and lower legs becomes evident not only in clothes that leave the leg area exposed, but even in models that hug the legs such as tights and trousers. While summer clothes and beach costumes fully reveal the problem of crookedness or disproportion in the legs, most people who experience this problem begin to lose self-confidence in their social life. The difficult camouflage of the leg area and the crooked leg problem that casts a shadow on body beauty are one of the most important aesthetic problems that prevent people from living a comfortable life.
What Causes Crookedness and Disproportion in the Legs?
Although legs may seem like limbs that only enable us to walk, they have even entered our language with the expression “legs like milk” and have a complementary feature to the aesthetic body posture. Distortion and disproportion in the legs are caused by bone problems or inconsistency in fat distribution. There may be many reasons for bone curvature in the legs. Today, reconstructive correction of the curvature in the bones is a very risky procedure and causes many problems for the patient during the healing process. The reason for the disproportion in fat distribution is generally genetic. This problem, which we can think of as a regional fat problem, may arise with problems such as excessive fat in the leg area due to weight gain or weight gain only in the upper or lower legs.
How to Fix Crooked Legs?
At Estetik International clinics, we find solutions to aesthetic problems arising from bone curvature in the legs or fat distribution in the legs by using the Cihantimur Fat Transfer technique. This technique helps shape the legs by simply transferring fat to the patient’s leg and camouflaging the existing curvature, without touching the bone that causes the curvature in the legs. Thanks to the closed lipocid technique used in Cihantimur fat transfer, fat is removed from the area with regional fat. Since the extracted fat maintains its vitality because it does not come into contact with air, it has the ability to maintain its volume in the injected area for a long time. This fat transfer, which is performed to eliminate leg curvature, provides the patient with beautiful, fit and symmetrical legs for a lifetime. With the same technique, the problem of disproportionate fat accumulation in the patient’s upper or lower legs is also solved.
Why Fat Transfer?
The legs should be perceived as a whole. When looking at the problem in terms of the lower or upper leg, there should be no disproportion between the intervened area and the other leg area. Cihantimur Fat Transfer Technique is the most advanced fat transfer technique that can ensure harmony between the lower and upper legs and obtain extremely positive and effective results on soft tissue. Problems that can be solved by simply transferring fat without touching the leg bones provide the patient with immediate recovery after the operation. Also, let’s look at the advantages of Crooked Leg Correction Aesthetics with Fat Transfer:
- With the Cihantimur Fat Transfer technique closed lipocid system, amounts of fat that can survive longer and be stored more are achieved.
- Since the extracted fat is made rich in stem cells, the transferred fat has the advantage of adhering and staying longer.
- This technique provides the most effective results in soft tissue editing and shaping processes.
- Any excess or lack of fat in the upper or lower legs can be eliminated. Interregional fat transfer can be done.
- Without making an incision, fat is removed only through micro inlets, and fat is injected through micro inlets to give the desired shape to the legs.
Can Crooked Legs Be Corrected with Just 1 Operation?
If there is no severe deformity in your legs, it is possible to have aesthetic legs with only one operation. In cases of extreme deformity, the problem is solved with the second operation. This technique, which is a simple and repeatable application that eliminates the possible risks of classical bow leg correction operations, often helps solve the problem in one go.
How is Crooked Leg Correction Surgery Performed?
The operation begins with the decided anesthesia technique and continues with regional fat removal from the patient. Correction injections are made for crooked legs and the legs are given shape. If the problem is caused by fat disproportion in the legs, the patient’s excess fat is transferred to the other area. The micro-entrances are closed with small tapes and the operation is completed.
How is Crooked Leg Correction Operation Performed?
During the examination, the problem in the patient’s legs is detected. If there is a crookedness in your legs, it is decided where the fat to be used to correct the crookedness will be taken locally. If you have a problem in your legs such as thin lower legs and thick upper legs, a reasonable leg size ratio is planned for this. General or local anesthesia is decided according to the joint decision of the patient and the surgeon.
After Crooked Leg Correction Operation
After the Crooked Leg Correction operation, the patient has an extremely comfortable recovery process. After this operation, which is performed without any incision or intervention in the bone, the patient can go home immediately. A corset is worn on the area where the fat is removed and a compression stocking is worn on the area where the fat is transferred. It is recommended to use these devices for an average of 2-3 weeks.
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If you have a tight nose bridge and want to change it and also have a drooping nose tip, there are 2 main options for treatment. The first is surgical treatment, and the second is a less invasive option, injecting filler, a gel-like substance, under the skin. The basis of non-surgical rhinoplasty is filling.
In Cihantimur Fat Transfer, the fat taken from the patient’s body is injected into the other area in need. The closed system used in the Cihantimur Fat Transfer technique not only enables the stem cells to continue their life, but also provides the opportunity to collect large amounts of fat. In this way, the cells remain alive and immediately adhere to the transferred area.
Its difference from classical fat transfer applications comes from the closed lipocid system in which the collected fats are stored by preventing contact with air. A perfect hail application can be made with fat cells. However, today, in classical fat transfer applications, the fat is removed from body temperature without considering the adaptation of the fat cells transferred to the outside environment to the changing weather conditions.
Application is made with minimal, point inputs. There is no large incision scar. Those who have crooked legs, those who are uncomfortable with the fat distribution in their lower legs or upper legs, and those who find their ankles thick or too thin can have this operation.
Cihantimur Fat Transfer technique used in crooked legs aesthetics also prolongs the life of the procedure as it ensures that the extracted fat is transferred in a state rich in stem cells while the cells are alive. You can have a comfortable experience for a lifetime.