What is Secondary - Revision Rhinoplasty?
Revision rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure performed on patients who have previously undergone one or more rhinoplasty operations and are dissatisfied. When we examine the reasons for secondary rhinoplasty, we can observe that most of the time, following nose surgery, the patient has breathing problems and also has nasal asymmetry, nostril disproportion and an artificial appearance. Estetik International doctors Prof. Dr. Secondary (revision) rhinoplasty surgery performed by Cenk Şen can greatly improve the patient’s unsatisfactory results and provide a natural appearance for the nose. Şen has spent much of his professional career perfecting the techniques used to correct the nasal problems of such cases. Prof. Revision rhinoplasty has been in the best doctor category for many years. Dr. Cenk Şen argued that rhinoplasty operations should be planned very well.
Benefits of Revision Rhinoplasty
The benefits of revision rhinoplasty are actually similar to rhinoplasty.
- Rejuvenated Face: Revision rhinoplasty is used to reshape the nose and provides a more youthful and balanced facial appearance.
- Improved Breathing: Revision rhinoplasty also corrects breathing-related problems.
- Facial Symmetry: Revision rhinoplasty is used to correct nasal tip, crooked nose, and other facial problems, resulting in improved facial symmetry.
- Increased Self-Confidence: Revision rhinoplasty reshapes the appearance and shape of the nose and therefore helps restore self-confidence for patients who often have problems with their facial appearance.
Differences Between Primary Rhinoplasty and Revision Rhinoplasty
Primary rhinoplasty surgery, that is, nose aesthetics to be performed for the first time, is one of the most popular facial plastic surgeries. It is used to emphasize facial aesthetics and reshape the nose. Nose surgery is also performed to treat a deviated septum, breathing problems, other structural defects of the nose, and to improve nasal function. Revision rhinoplasty is performed when the desired results are not obtained from a nose surgery. Revision rhinoplasty is similar to primary rhinoplasty in that it is performed to address facial aesthetics or correct structural problems associated with the nose. However, if initial nose surgery does not help a patient achieve treatment goals, a revision rhinoplasty procedure is performed. It is also worth noting that revision rhinoplasty takes longer than the initial rhinoplasty procedure because it is more complex. The revision rhinoplasty procedure should be performed by a doctor who has a deep understanding of the nasal structure and advanced surgical techniques and knowledge of facial plastic and reconstructive surgery. Additionally, revision rhinoplasty surgery was performed by Prof. Dr. We would also like to emphasize that it should be performed by a plastic surgeon like Cenk Şen, who provides a personalized treatment plan for each patient.
Secondary Rhinoplasty Candidates
Secondary rhinoplasty is performed to correct problems that persist or developed after the previous rhinoplasty procedure. At times, problems are minor and can be easily fixed, but major problems may require more expertise and skill than necessary. This is because the normal anatomy is no longer intact and the tissue planes that existed before the initial surgery are now filled with scar tissue, making it difficult to reposition the remaining cartilage and bone. All this means that he would almost certainly be a good candidate for a revision nose surgery. If you are not satisfied with the results of the first procedure, it is essential that you be examined to see if you are a good candidate. During the first consultation, Prof. Dr. Cenk Şen gives information to patients about revision rhinoplasty, how the surgery is performed and its benefits. Şen argues that it is extremely important to ensure that patients understand all aspects of revision rhinoplasty and make informed treatment decisions.
Revision Nose Surgery and Surgery
Using the most advanced revision rhinoplasty techniques, Prof. Dr. Cenk Şen strives for nose designs that look natural, function properly and are in harmony with other facial features. To achieve this, it is necessary to reshape the supporting cartilage, bone, and reconstruct the skin to shape the nose into its new shape. Since each patient’s problem will differ, the interventions will also vary. The patient’s wishes regarding the appearance of the nose are always taken into account, but often limiting factors such as skin texture and thickness, amount of scar tissue from previous surgery, and facial proportions will affect the outcome. Each of these factors will play an important role in the outcome that can be achieved with revision rhinoplasty.
After Revision Rhinoplasty
Recovery after revision rhinoplasty is almost the same as the recovery time experienced during the first operation. As with a first rhinoplasty, some bruising and swelling will be evident at first after the procedure, but within a few weeks there is little outward indication that any surgery has occurred. Just like you experienced with your first cosmetic nose surgery, notice the change in the first 6 to 8 weeks after your revision nose surgery; You will observe the final result for up to 6 to 12 months after the surgery. The healing process after revision rhinoplasty is critical to achieving a beautiful result. In the post-operative period, Prof. Dr. Take Cenk Şen’s warnings into consideration. If you have any questions or concerns at any point during your revision rhinoplasty recovery period, we will assist you with whatever you need.