What is Vaginal Aesthetics?
We know that any problem in the vagina causes psychological or social problems in women and also affects the sexual life of couples. For this reason, vaginal aesthetic surgeries, which help to leave all these problems behind, are performed with great care and confidentiality.
Op. Dr. Bülent Cihantimur’s “Genital Beautification” technique, which was awarded the “Golden Bistoury” award at the 3rd World Plastic Surgery Congress held in Monaco, is a state-of-the-art application that emphasizes that the vaginal area deserves to remain aesthetic like other areas. . Vaginal aesthetic surgeries, which we can also call vaginal renewal, are performed with the “Genital Beautification” application under the umbrella of Estetik International Health Group. These are surgical procedures performed to increase sexual pleasure and loosen the vaginal tissue due to age and birth.
Genital Beautification technique provides a more comfortable surgery process. We observe that with this technique, the healing process becomes shorter and they can also return to their daily lives without any scars after vaginal aesthetic surgery. Kiss. Dr. Bülent Cihantimur explains the Genital Beautification technique as follows:
“Vagina aesthetics must be based on the philosophy that the vagina, just like the facial area, deserves to be rejuvenated and stay in shape. That’s why I named this technique Genital Beautification. Personal and feminine instincts lie behind women’s increasing demands for Vaginal Aesthetics in recent years. An aesthetic vagina, which has a great impact on a woman’s self-confidence, helps her live a healthier and more satisfying sexual life with her partner, and also helps eliminate possible problems that may occur in this area. Vaginal aesthetics needs to be taken into consideration in its entirety. “Success can only be achieved with total applications and the vagina attains the desired aesthetic form.”
Vagina Beautification and Possible Problems of the Area
Especially after birth, loosening and enlargement of vaginal tissue, pelvic floor, and pelvic muscles are among the biggest problems for women. This causes couples to have an unsatisfactory sexual life. Additionally, urinary incontinence problem is observed in the same area. Other possible problems include darkness in the vagina, the woman’s pleasure points, the clitoris, and the lack of a prominent G-spot.
Genital Beautification Vagina Tightening
Vaginal tightening operation, which is included in the Genital Beautification technique, underlines self-confidence, which is the first step of a healthy sexual life, and relationships that should be at a mutually satisfactory level. Factors such as uncontrolled births, overweight babies, physiological aging process, and hormonal fluctuations cause this area to wear out very quickly and experience problems such as loss of form.
Loosening problems in the vaginal area also cause couples not to get the sexual pleasure they should, and therefore cause many problems, especially loss of self-confidence. In the Genital Beautification technique, a piece of fat is removed from the patient’s regional fat and enriched with stem cells. This oil, injected into areas where relaxation is a problem, allows the vagina to narrow, rejuvenate and gain form with the advantages of stem cells. You can have sexual intercourse approximately 1 week after this operation, which is performed without any incision.
Genital Beautification, Labia Sagging
Inner lip deformities, one of the most common problems in the genital area, cause especially sagging and asymmetry problems. If we look at the anatomy of the region, we see a curved structure that starts from thin, continues along a gradually widening line, and becomes thinner again. Normally, the inner lips cannot be expected to be 100% symmetrical, but in some cases, an excessively saggy appearance and size can cause both aesthetic concerns and health problems in women. This sagging problem, which can be irritated by rubbing against underwear, also causes problems in beach clothes and clothes such as tight trousers or tights.
Irritation not only increases the sensitivity of the area, but also may allow injections such as fungi to easily form due to excess skin. Within the Genital Beautification technique, laser technologies are used for sagging inner lips and an aesthetic result is obtained in an extremely practical and comfortable way. Laser technologies used in the correction of inner lip deformities, also known as labiaplasty, also provide great advantages to the patient in the recovery period, making it easier to get results in a short time.
Pigmentation Problem in Vagina - Dark Color in Vagina
The dark color problem in the vagina, which occurs as a result of hormonal fluctuations and daily pad use, causes aesthetic concerns. This pigmentation problem is corrected with the advantages of stem cells used in fat transfer and turns into a healthy skin color.
Genital Beautification and Clitoris
The hairy area between the cesarean section stitch and the clitoris is the Mons Pubis-Venus mound. Excess fat in this area causes the clitoris to close and not be stimulated sufficiently. In addition, this excess fat on the Venus mound causes problems for many women due to the unaesthetic appearance that appears when wearing beach clothes. The swelling in this area returns to normal by removing the existing fat with minimal point access. It gains an aesthetic form and the clitoris is exposed, making stimulation easier.
Genital Beautification and G spot
“G Shot”, that is, “G Spot”, which we consider within the genital beautification technique, is an area in the vagina where women are stimulated other than the clitoris. We know that women have pleasure centers in two different areas. The first is the clitoris, located just above the urethra opening, and the second is the G-spot area located on the front wall, 5-6 cm inside the vaginal entrance and approximately 3 cm wide.
The reason why this area is called the G spot is that the existence of this area was first discovered by Dr. Ernest Grafenberg’s “erogenous zone” was published as a scientific article in 1950. Later, in 1982, Alice Kahn Ladas Dr. Granfenberg discussed this area he found in his book and referred to it as G, the first letter of his surname, and G-Shot began to be used as the G-spot.
The G spot is a structurally rough area, and as it is stimulated during intercourse, it swells and the pleasure from sexuality increases. Inflating this erogenous zone a little increases the effect of friction, makes orgasm easier and the pleasure received much greater. With the G spot ready for stimulation, an increased sexual life becomes inevitable.
How is Erogenous Filling Done?
Erogenous filling is an application we perform within the genital beautification technique. We look at genital aesthetics as a whole and aim to keep this area young, fresh and in shape, just like other parts of our body. This aim brings our patients a much more aesthetic vaginal area and therefore individuals with increased self-confidence. The intensity and depth of pleasure derived from sexuality and the ability to orgasm every time are reinforced psychologically by the couples’ sense of confidence in each other and themselves.
The “Erogenous Filling” we apply to the G spot enables successful results by physically exposing the area and allowing individuals to experience the quality of orgasm each time and feel psychologically ready. We inject the fat taken from the person’s own fat and enriched with stem cells into the G spot. The G Spot, which becomes swollen and prominent in this form, increases the pleasure and makes it easier to orgasm every time.
Genital Beautification and Urinary Incontinence
We also solve possible urinary incontinence problems within the Genital Beautification technique. Unfortunately, the fact that the female reproductive and excretory systems are in the same areas brings with it some problems. The problem of involuntary urinary incontinence, which greatly affects the quality of life, gives many women a difficult time even when they sneeze, cough, laugh or startle. Many factors are effective in deteriorating tissue quality in this area and increasing intra-abdominal pressure. Especially uncontrolled difficult vaginal births, menopause, excess weight, and pregnancy are among the most frequently observed causes.
The anterior vaginal wall and the bladder are areas attached to each other, back to back. The increase in intra-abdominal pressure of the support wall over time, due to different reasons but most damagingly due to difficult births and high-weight babies, triggers the problem of urinary incontinence.
If you have a problem with urinary incontinence, we observe that the collagen tissue in the area is not intact and the supporting tissues under the bladder are loose. Today, 80% of women who give birth vaginally in our country experience problems such as deterioration of vaginal anatomy and weakening of the pelvic floor muscles. For this reason, we treat involuntary urinary incontinence in two different ways depending on the severity of the problem in the area.
Cihantimur Oil Injection for Urinary Incontinence Problem
Fat injection is quite simple and does not cause any distress to the patient during the healing process. It is applied to patients who do not have many deformities. Fat injection, enriched with stem cells prepared from the patient’s own fat, has many advantages:
- The problem of involuntary urinary incontinence is solved
- Damaged collagen tissue is refreshed
- Support tissues under the bladder become stronger
- With the healing process provided by the stem cell, a very rapid recovery is achieved.
- The patient’s own tissue is used without adding a foreign body
- The region gains form and comes to life
Surgical Intervention for Urinary Incontinence Problem
For our patients whose urinary incontinence problem has progressed and serious damage has occurred in the anatomy of the region, the aim is to surgically reshape the region. All muscles and tissues that are sagging, deformed and make urination involuntary are intervened, and the falling urinary bladder and all the tissues that put pressure are given form.
Genital Beautification and Hymenoplasty - Hymenoplasty
The hymen is a region that is also in our culture and symbolizes virginity. Religious beliefs, cultural and ethnic structures emphasize the importance of virginity, and this structure brings with it some sanctions. In our country, hymenoplasty operations are frequently performed due to events that occur due to the hymen and damage the identity of the woman. As Estetik International Health Group, we are aware that, above all, mental health and positive thinking are much more important, and we hope that unfortunate events will not occur due to this taboo situation.
The hymen is a region located at the entrance to the vagina and has different types and characteristics in each woman. It does not break down just because of sexual intercourse. While it may be this way from birth, it may also tear due to the use of tampons or other reasons. Hymenoplasty is a personal choice, so it can be restored flawlessly in line with individual beliefs and wishes for the reconstruction of the area.
How is Vaginal Aesthetics Done?
Genital Beautification is a total application. Possible problems of the region are identified and solutions to the problem are provided. Genital Beautification technique is performed under general anesthesia. Spider Web Aesthetics, Cihantimur Fat Transfer technique, laser and radiofrequency and surgical applications are performed where necessary.
Vagina Whitening
The darkening problem in the vagina, which is one of the possible aesthetic problems of the genital area, can be eliminated by non-surgical vaginal whitening. The color change observed in most women, especially those who have given birth, is actually a pigmentation problem. This pigmentation change, which occurs in the vulva area located on the outer part of the genital area, occurs especially due to the dominant estrogen hormone. It becomes permanent, especially after the increase in female hormones during pregnancy, causing women to experience aesthetic concerns.
Factors That Increase Vaginal Darkness
- Increased estrogen hormone
- Pregnancy process
- Polycystic ovary syndrome
- Birth control pills
- Daily used pads
- Epilation
- Melting of fat tissue due to advancing age
Anyone who is disturbed by vaginal darkness caused by all these reasons can have a non-surgical vaginal whitening procedure.
What is Vagina Whitening?
It is a laser treatment that solves the pigmentation problem that causes darkening in the vulva area. The device helps you get an excellent response by targeting the dark tissues in the area and using the beam dosage appropriate to the sensitivity of the area.
How to Whiten Vagina?
Vaginal whitening is a practical procedure that is painless, scarless, incision-free and does not affect social life. Due to the sensitivity of the area, local anesthesia may be performed. The laser scans the area with its specially developed head and targets the existing dark melanin layer, solving the pigmentation problem in the skin tissue and lightening the color. The vaginal whitening process is completed at the end of the session, which lasts approximately 15 minutes.
How Many Sessions of Vagina Whitening?
98% of the results are obtained from vagina whitening in a single session.
After Vagina Whitening
After vaginal whitening, you can instantly switch to your social life. It is enough to keep the area hygienic for 2-3 days. You can use prescription creams recommended by your doctor. Likewise, you can have sexual intercourse after 2-3 days.
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Genital Aesthetics
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Our doctor listens to your problems, examines you and prepares the operation plan with you. It is very important at this stage to tell your doctor exactly what you want and your problems.
It is a completely safe procedure and has been experienced by hundreds of women. We have an excellent patient satisfaction list with successful long-term results.
It depends on the applications to be made to you, that is, your problems. It will take approximately 2 hours.
It depends on the applications to be made to you, that is, your problems. It will take approximately 2 hours.
It depends on the applications to be made to you, that is, your problems. It will take approximately 2 hours.