Penis Extension
To date, there have been countless surveys about penis size, and the majority of women answered that penis size is not that important. However, men attach great importance to the size issue and underline that they feel inadequate with their penises not being thick or long enough when they are naked.
Recently published surveys regarding penis size of different nationalities and races have led to many jokes and discussions on social media and on the Internet. All this probably imposes on men the idea that their penis should be bigger, longer, or both. As a result of all this, many creams, injections and mechanical devices are sold in the market today. This is extremely sad because most of these mechanisms are either fake, ineffective or extremely dangerous for the body. As a result of developments in medical science, penis aesthetics offers different treatment options to improve the size of the penis.
What is Penis Extension?
When we look at the normal anatomical structure of the penis, we observe that approximately one third of it is inside the body. Penis lengthening surgeries are based on removing the remaining part of the penis. In this surgery, the integrity of the penis is not disrupted; in fact, what is done is to advance the existing surrounding tissue to the base and reveal the penis. In this operation, which we can also call penis enlargement or penis lengthening, the suspensory ligament of the penis is cut and retropubic fat is removed by liposuction. The aim here is to take the hardened penis tissue out of the body.
There are many factors that ensure the erectness of the penis. The suspensory ligament only ensures that the penis is centered and in line with the pelvis. When sufficient suspensory ligaments are cut in penis lengthening surgery, the penis becomes longer because it is relaxed, but does not experience any problems with falling. In penis lengthening surgery, we cut 80% of the suspensory ligament. With this current technique, we ensure that the penis is sufficiently attached to the pelvis without breaking its attachment to the pelvis, thus preventing the penis from losing its ability to control the penis during sexual intercourse. The same problem does not occur during hardening. After penis lengthening surgery, the penis lengthens by 2 to 3 cm. Penis lengthening surgery, which is a permanent operation, cannot be repeated.
Penis Thickening
To date, many different techniques and filling materials have been used for penis thickening. Some of the techniques applied or materials used were not permanent, and some of them caused disorders in the male penis. For this reason, “Fat Transfer” and “Allograft” methods, which are accepted by the current literature, are applied in our clinic. Additionally, penis thickening and penis lengthening can be performed together without any problems during the surgical procedure.
Allograft; It is the process of thickening the penis using Human-derived Acellular Dermis. A surgical technique developed by our clinic is used. A dermal graft is placed on the shaft of the penis through a 3 cm suprapubic incision. The Allograft used is a safe, biocompatible, human-derived product. Graft, which is skin tissue with preserved natural collagen and elastin, is nonantigenic. Its most important feature is that it is not absorbed and does not cause penis deformities seen in other filled materials. The application and healing process is similar to other filling materials.
Fat Transfer; It is among the most used methods for penis thickening. Both penis thickening (circumferential) and penis enlargement (lengthening) can be achieved with the same procedure. The application is done by removing regional fat, processing it and transferring it to the penis area. Fat is often removed from the abdomen or thighs by liposuction. The oil is then centrifuged, filtered, thus isolating the fat cells and removing other unnecessary content. Fat is then injected around the penis shaft using special injection techniques to ensure the fat survives. Since fat transfer cells are obtained from the patient’s own body, there is no risk of allergic reaction. It is a repeatable application.
Stem Shot
Stem Shot application is the removal of stem cells from the person’s own fat tissue and transferring them to the penis. The penis has a sponge-shaped structure that fills with blood when stimulated. Stem cells turn into sponge tissue that acts as a muscle inside the penis, allowing this tissue to regain its function.
This is how the penis can function again. Stem cell therapy is used as a unique treatment method in the treatment of erectile dysfunction in patients with erectile dysfunction throughout the world, both in terms of the ease of treatment and its positive results. The treatment can be performed on patients of all ages with erection problems. After taking approximately 50 cc of fat tissue from the person, it is subjected to an enzymatic reaction. Here, a liquid containing approximately 5 cc of stem cells is obtained.
This liquid is injected into the hardening parts of the penis, on the right and left sides. The application is done only once. The duration of effect varies from person to person. It is possible for it to last at the end of the 6th month, the 9th month or even up to 1 year.
The purpose of applying PRP, also known as P-Shot, to the penis is to solve possible problems in the area with the patient’s own blood. Although the application in sessions varies depending on the person’s needs, we recommend a 3+3 session application. The procedure is applied after waiting 1 month (2-6 weeks).
For treatment, approximately 25 cc of blood is taken from the patient. It is centrifuged to 5 cc in a special tube and applied. At the end of the treatment, an average lengthening of 5-7 mm and a thickening of 3-5 mm around it can be expected. Restorative and regenerative factors taken from the person’s own blood are injected into the penis and the area is aimed to repair itself. By injecting thrombocytes, which have repairing properties and are separated from the blood, into the penis, a repair process begins spontaneously in the penis.
In PRP treatment, platelets injected into the damaged areas in the spongy tissues that provide erection in the penis will succeed in regaining the flexibility of these tissues and preventing the tissues from filling with enough blood.
P-Shot treatment, which also offers a solution to erection problems, can also be performed by all men who have had fat transfer to the penis and want to maintain the results and have realistic expectations.
Penis Curvature
In congenital penile curvature, problems with the basic anatomical structure are often detected. After puberty, as penis development is completed, the curvature becomes evident. It causes difficulties in sexual intercourse. The first thing that stands out in penis curvature that occurs in later ages is the penile curvature that develops due to Peyronie’s disease. This is the most common condition of penis curvature. It develops due to calcification between the blood vessel that provides erection and the outer sheath. Peyronie’s disease, which is often observed in men over the age of 50, also causes pain in the initial stages. It is thought that diabetes triggers this condition.
Surgical procedures are essential in the treatment of advanced Peyronie’s disease and congenital penile curvature. In the surgical treatment of penis curvature using the plication technique, stitches (plication stitches) are placed on the penis to apply traction force to the opposite side of the curvature and the curvature is corrected. In advanced cases, the graft obtained from the leg veins is integrated into the plaque areas formed in the penis and the procedure is performed.
Six Pack Aesthetics
Abdominal muscle aesthetics, in other words six pack aesthetics or diamond abdominoplasty, is an effective operation that gives a muscular appearance to the abdominal area and creates a distinct contour. Many men and women try to achieve success by doing intense sports and dieting to achieve this distinct appearance in their abdominal muscles.
Challenging abdominal exercises are the primary rule necessary to increase muscle thickness and must be done regularly. However, despite all this process, since they remain under the fat layer, it may sometimes not be possible for individuals to achieve the aesthetic appearance they want or it may take time. What Abdominal muscle requires is the process of intervening with these fats in the abdominal area, giving the fat on top of the muscles a muscular appearance, and also making the underlying muscles more visible.
Who Can Have Abdominal Muscle Aesthetics?
- Those who could not achieve the desired abdominal muscle appearance despite doing sports
- Those who want a more aesthetic and sporty body
- Those who want to have an abdominal muscle image in a shorter time
They can have abdominal muscle aesthetics.
Advantages of Abdominal Muscle Aesthetics
- The application is extremely practical
- No incision is made
- It is a painless procedure
- Transactions are made with micro inputs, leaving no traces
- The healing process is short
- It allows you to gain abdominal muscles and an aesthetic appearance in a short time.
Penile ESWT
According to research, 1 in 3 men over the age of 40 has erection problems. These rates increase with age. Only 10% of adult men who have erection problems focus on solving this problem. ESWT shock wave therapy, which does not require hospitalization and uses outpatient treatment protocols, allows us to obtain satisfactory results.
This technology, which is classically used in the treatment of kidney stones, is broadly focused shock sound waves. This mechanism, performed by the electrohydraulic system, stimulates the vessels in the penis and increases blood flow, thus solving the erection problem in patients with erectile dysfunction. This shock wave therapy applied to the penis makes it easier for the blood vessels in the organ to expand, thus allowing even small vessels to carry more blood.
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No, you won’t. The procedure does not affect the erection mechanism.
After 3 weeks, you can have sexual intercourse after getting approval from your doctor.
No, it will not be understood after your recovery process is completed.
No, in this application, the parts of the penis related to erection and urinary tract are completely preserved. There will be no deformity or erection problems in the long term after the procedure.
The patient’s fat is removed and the stem cells in it are separated and then injected into the penis.
It is an application that repairs the area, initiates tissue healing, grows existing tissues and provides rejuvenation.
We recommend a 1-session application. It can be repeated once a year.
The patient’s blood is taken and the regenerative factors in it are separated. This injection, called PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma), or “Platelet Rich Plasma”, is disposable and is then injected into the penis.
It is an application that repairs the area, initiates tissue healing, grows existing tissues and provides rejuvenation.