What is Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty?
It is the application of dermal filler to the bridge of the nose. Many of our patients are unhappy with the flat nose bridge; Dermal filler is an extremely safe and effective procedure used to create a higher nose bridge. Millimeter defects in the facial area are equal to a kilometer in the soul, and small changes can give a tremendous improvement to the patients’ facial form. Non-surgical rhinoplasty is an application that we apply to our patients who do not want a radical change in their nose, helping to adjust the contours with filling procedures.
Filler applications, which are extremely reliable injections that have been used in many health fields and especially in medical aesthetic applications for nearly half a century, are complementary applications that can be injected into the subcutaneous tissue in liquid form and contain many useful ingredients, especially hyaluronic acid. In addition to their effectiveness in skin problems with wrinkles and volume loss, filler applications can also provide a practical solution to those who have contour problems and drooping nose tip. Fillers are included in the facial filling application under the title of non-surgical facial aesthetics and provide a practical solution for nose aesthetics. It can be applied to anyone who complains about their drooping nose, does not want a radical change, and does not want to take the possible risks of surgical interventions. It is an extremely comfortable procedure, especially for creating a new profile and for the nose tip that falls over time or is congenitally low.
After Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty
You can switch to your social life immediately after the procedure. There is no bruising or edema. There is no need for any recovery period or time.
Who can have Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty?
- Those who do not want a radical change in the nose
- Those whose nose tip facial muscles are suitable for hard work
- Those who experience drooping nose tip
- Those who want a slightly upturned nose
- Those who complain about their profile image
- Those who do not want surgical intervention
- Those who need contour editing
- Those who want to breathe easily
- Those who want to try before surgical rhinoplasty surgery
Advantages of Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty
- Since it is an incisionless procedure, it is painless and does not involve possible surgical complications.
- It helps you gain a new profile with small touches.
- It is a practical application that takes approximately 10 minutes.
- Nasal curvature is camouflaged or alleviated
- The tip of the nose is removed
- Defects resulting from surgical rhinoplasty can be corrected
- The dorsum of the nose can be corrected and put into a straight form.
- The appearance of nose-forehead, nose-lips and nose wing can be made aesthetic.
- By relaxing the valve angle, which is the narrowest air passage section in the nose, breathing more easily and a functional solution can be provided.
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If you have a tight nose bridge and want to change it and also have a drooping nose tip, there are 2 main options for treatment. The first is surgical treatment, and the second is a less invasive option, injecting filler, a gel-like substance, under the skin. The basis of non-surgical rhinoplasty is filling..
First, the patient is evaluated and photographs are taken. Information is given about the pros and cons of this aesthetic procedure. The skin is then cleaned. A cannula needle is used to insert the dermal filler. As we inject, the patient will see immediate results.
It is not a permanent procedure, but if the time planning is done well and the doctor makes a plan to fully meet the patient’s expectations, it can last from 6 months to 2 years.
It is often used for patients who feel that the bridge of their nose is too low, and can also be used to hide the appearance of the lump, arch, arch, and collapse under the bridge.
It is actually a painless procedure, but topical anesthetic creams can still be used 45 minutes beforehand.