What Is Face Lift?
If you want to renew and rejuvenate your face and even stop time, face lift surgery may be suitable for you. Face lift surgery can be performed within the scope of planning the renewal and revitalization of the entire face by eliminating not only the facial area, but also the sagging skin of the face and neck, and even the fat under the chin, if any.
Types of Face Lift Aesthetics
Face lift surgeries, also known as facelift or rhytidectomy, are performed using different methods and techniques within Estetik International. We receive very good feedback from the classic face lift and Spider Web aesthetics that we use in our clinic. The Spider Web technique is applied to our patients using the latest technology. Spider Web aesthetics, also known as thread facelift, has many advantages compared to the traditional facelift technique, which we observe to be more effective and has a shorter recovery time. Since your face will have a tighter and younger appearance after the thread face lift operation, this technique has become the most preferred method in recent years.
During face lift operations, fat can also be injected into the required areas with the Cihantimur Fat Transfer system. Your doctor will decide which face lift technique is suitable for you and perform the application. You can follow more detailed information about Spider Web aesthetics and Cihantimur Fat Transfer on the relevant pages of our website.
Who Can Have Face Lift Aesthetics?
- Sagging on the face
- Wrinkles around the mouth,
- Decrease in facial fat tissue volume
- Non-aesthetic neck formation
- Sagging skin in the chin and jowls
- Those who have self-confidence problems due to this loss of form in the entire facial area
Face lift surgery, like other aesthetic operations, is a situation where individual decisions must be made. A facelift operation that you undergo under someone else’s pressure or request will make it difficult for you to receive healthy feedback. If you are confident in making this decision for yourself, if you do not have a chronic or other health disease and if you do not smoke, you can have a face lift surgery.
How is Face Lift Surgery Performed?
When you come to Estetik International Health Group clinics, the plastic surgeon who will perform the application will first examine you and your medical photographs will be taken before the application. During the examination, you should share your entire medical history, medications you use, drug allergies, and all other information with your surgeon. Our doctor will make all your evaluations with all the information he has obtained. After the examination, he will share with you all the details that need to be done before the application, depending on your situation. The pre-operative interview and examination with the patient, as well as the patient’s trust in the doctor, are as important as the facelift procedure. That’s why it is useful to ask mutual questions between the doctor and the patient. Your doctor answers your questions about the face lift operation and explains the methods he will use. It takes the size of your face. At this point, you can get information from your doctor about possible risks or potential complications.
Please rest the night before facelift surgery and make plans for your work and home after the operation. You may need help, although facelift surgery is a simple operation in our experience, arrange for a relative to accompany you if you need to be hospitalized after any mishap.
Face lift aesthetics begins with the local or general anesthesia method determined for you. In facelift aesthetics, surgical incisions are mostly made at the hairline and behind the ear. For your skin problems in the facial area, sagging and wrinkles are corrected by stretching the subcutaneous tissue in the face and neck areas. Fat taken from another part of your body and enriched with stem cells is transferred to the needed areas. And after facelift surgery, you regain your natural appearance.
How Do Face Lift Aesthetic Scars Happen?
In traditional facelift surgeries, the incision is usually made just inside the hairline of the forehead, and the incision continues until around the ear and ends on the lower scalp. Fat tissue is arranged in the areas under the chin, face and neck, the excess is removed and repositioned. By making an incision under the chin, the aging and sagging neck is rearranged. The ear area, eyelids and upper lip area are shaped by making small incisions for repositioning. Aesthetic procedures are performed with utmost care in closing the incisions, and the incisions are hidden within the hairline and natural ear line.
After Face Lift Surgery
When facelift surgery is completed, you will have a loosely wrapped bandage on your face and head. This bandage is wrapped to minimize swelling and bruising. The drain under your dressing is placed to collect any excess blood or fluid discharge. It is very important to protect your face and not move the bandage. We recommend that you leave the hospital with information about the procedures you will need to follow after returning home. After facelift surgery, it will take a few weeks for the incisions to heal, the reshaped lines to settle, and the swelling to subside. Sun protection lotions that you will use throughout your life will help maintain your rejuvenated appearance by minimizing sun damage. In addition, a healthy lifestyle also benefits the longevity of the results.
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Facelift, also called rhytidectomy or cervicofacial rhytidectomy, is a plastic surgery procedure designed to rejuvenate the lower face and upper neck and provide a more youthful and rested appearance. It is worth noting that a traditional or standard facelift rejuvenates only one-third of the face, while a “full facelift” includes brow lift, blepharoplasty. A traditional or standard facelift is performed when the face and neck are less than one-third of the size down. With a facelift, patients can improve their forehead and eyebrow position, the appearance of their eyelids, or their mid-surface area to a more youthful appearance.
Healthy men and women who are bothered by sagging facial features may be good candidates for a facelift. Patients with unwanted sagging along the jaw line and patients with deep smile lines (nasolabial folds) benefit greatly from a full face lift.
A standard or lower facelift typically takes 2 to 4 hours to complete. Incisions for a facelift are usually well concealed in and around the natural curves of the ear and extend towards the hairline behind the ear. For men, a slight incision in front of the ear is usually required because the beard and hairline are of great importance in men.
The incisions made for a facelift are usually well hidden in and around the natural folds of the ear and extend into the hairline behind the ear. In some cases, an additional short incision is made in a well-hidden location under the chin. After healing, facelift lines are very difficult to see.
This is a process that varies from patient to patient. Within twenty-four to forty-eight hours after surgery, bandages are changed and checked to ensure there is no unwanted bleeding. Patients are then seen again five or six days after surgery; During this time, the stitches are removed and a lighter, removable bandage is placed. Patients are instructed about wound care
Swelling and bruising may occur to varying degrees during the first seven to ten days after surgery. Most patients can return to work seven to ten days after surgery. At this time, makeup may be worn to help conceal any remaining bruising. The scars transition from red to pink a few weeks after the surgery, begin to fade slowly over time, and become completely faded within six months.
Patients can usually return to work seven to ten days after the facelift or when they feel they are not bothered by the bandages.
When will my stitches be removed after facelift?
This varies from patient to patient, but the stitches are removed within five to six days after the facelift.