What is Eyelid Aesthetics?
Our eyes are one of our most important organs. The eye and its surroundings have a structure responsible for protecting this important organ of ours. The area around our eyes moves and we open and close our eyelids millions of times a day, even with the slightest facial expressions we make in our happiness, sadness and ordinary daily lives. In addition to being such a active area, the eye area also has the most sensitive tissue and is most effectively exposed to sunlight. In addition to all these, when the problems that develop due to aging are added, some problems begin to occur around the eyes, on the eyelids, on the forehead and under the eyes.
Why is Eyelid Aesthetics Necessary?
The eyes and the area around the eyes are commonly the areas where people focus on the other person while speaking. This is perhaps one of the areas we observe the most when we look in the mirror in our daily life routine. We first notice the signs of aging around our eyes and begin to feel unhappiness due to the intense, sad and sleepy appearance that develops with age. This condition, which develops due to the loss of shape of the eyelids, the change in appearance, the tired and unhappy expression, not only reduces the aesthetic appearance of the face, but also causes us to give the wrong message to those around us. Gender, race and age cause the anatomy around the eyes to vary. The structures around the eyes vary significantly between people of different genders and races. Eye area sizes also differ in men and women. In women, the eyebrows and eyelids are higher and more arched, and the eyelid fold line is less prominent than in men. In men, the eyebrow is more protruding and the eyelid line is closer to the eyelid margin. A completely different eye and eyelid shape is evident in racially Asian and Far Eastern people. In the light of all this information, surgery around the eyelids should be performed by surgeons who are experts in their field in order to create an eye and surrounding line appropriate to the anatomy.
What Does Eyelid Aesthetics Include?
In our Estetik International clinics, we look at eyelid aesthetics as a whole. Possible problems in and around the eye should be resolved not only by correcting a single point, but also by eliminating all wear and tear that occurs. Only in this way can the desired lively and fresh looks be achieved. The most common problems in eye contour aesthetics can be summarized as drooping eyelids, crow’s feet, drooping eyebrows, under-eye bags, and collapse between the cheek and the under-eye area. All these problems are eliminated in eye contour aesthetics. All of these are practices that provide not only aesthetic benefits but also health benefits. Due to sagging of the eyelid or drooping caused by bags under the eyes, the angle of vision may deteriorate and this may trigger a secondary health problem such as headache.
Who Can Have Eyelid Aesthetics?
It occurs as a result of the deformation of the upper and lower eyelid skin, which loosens due to aging and sags in the direction of fat extension. The reason why eyelid aesthetics is so widely performed is to eliminate this problem, which causes the patient to experience fatigue and eye bags, especially within the scope of facial rejuvenation applications. The “hooded” appearance on the upper eyelids is caused by the stretching of the eyelid skin. The most common complaint in the lower eyelid is swelling or eye bags. All these problems can be solved within the scope of Blepharoplasty, that is, eyelid aesthetics. Those who have all these problems can have eyelid surgery. In some patients, although their primary problem is not their age, these eyelid defects may occur due to genetic reasons, even though they are middle-aged or even young. Eyelid aesthetics can be performed on young or middle-aged patients to create a relaxed and vibrant eye contour.
How is Eye Contour Aesthetics Done?
Within the scope of eye contour aesthetics, firstly, the sagging upper eyelid, which impairs the patient’s vision, is intervened with laser technology, and the skin causing the patient’s vision problem is removed. At the same time, the tired and sullen expression is replaced by a younger and fresher appearance.
Bags under the eyes pull the lower eyelid downwards, causing both health and vision problems and causing an older and unhappy expression. Removing under-eye bags is one of the most difficult and most demanding operations in the world. For this reason, in our Estetik International clinics, we eliminate existing sebaceous glands by evaporating them using laser technology through micro-entrances from the base of the lower eyelid eyelashes. In this way, our patients go through the healing process extremely comfortably, without experiencing any bruising or redness.
Another issue of eye contour aesthetics is drooping eyebrows. Eyebrows begin to fall due to both shrinkage caused by the sagging of the eyelids and the loss of form of the forehead over time.
We also perform Cihantimur Fat Transfer on the sunken line that occurs due to the cheeks falling down due to gravity and results in the separation of the lower eyelid from the cheek.
After Eyelid Aesthetics
After the operation, the patient recovers within 3-4 days and begins to look at life more freshly and with self-confidence with the youthful appearance around the eyes.
Advantages of Eyelid Aesthetics
- Laser technology is used
- Loss of vision caused by sagging skin is corrected
- Drooping upper eyelid, which causes headaches, is put into shape
- A fresh and youthful appearance is provided
- Quick recovery
- Risk of complications is minimal
Advantages of Purchasing Detention Bags
- Fat pockets are evaporated with micro inlets
- Minimal bruising and redness is experienced
- Quick recovery
- Young and fresh look
Laser Eyelid Aesthetics Details
All tissues around the eye have a structure that ensures facial beauty and a youthful appearance. With new developments in aesthetics, innovative applications have come into play in eyelid aesthetics. While people in our country approach any operation, especially on the eyes and its surroundings, with suspicion and fear, we can now give satisfactory answers to these questions with new techniques, and people are much more positive about eyelid aesthetics than before. In this direction, with nearly 15 years of research, we have developed new techniques to provide the patient with the comfort of eyelid aesthetics.
Eyelid Aesthetic
We perform eyelid aesthetics in 3 stages using laser. First, we enter the low eyebrow with micro tools from the hair area just above the forehead area and hang the eyebrow upwards with the placed threads. In this way, the weight placed on the eye area is eliminated and wrinkles, sagging and droopiness are also corrected. Eyelid aesthetics, which takes approximately 15 minutes with local anesthesia, is an easy procedure and does not involve the risks and complications of dressing or a possible second surgery. The patient can return to his social life immediately. This thread we use is a lifelong medical device, it is tissue compatible and the patient will begin to age in its new form. It is very difficult to go back to the past. The second stage is to remove the bags on the eyelids, which is one of the most important problems. This type of operation, which we can call lower eyelid aesthetics, is the most difficult to perform in the world due to the sensitivity of the shadow and causes the patient a lot of difficulty in terms of the healing process. Since there is lymph tissue in this area that extends from under the eyelashes, if an operation is performed, a recovery period of 3 weeks to 3 months is expected. It is also one of the areas with the highest complication rate. It involves risks that are very difficult to fix and impossible to restore in case of any problem that may occur. That is why, in these operations known as under-eye bags or lower eyelid aesthetics, in order not to take the risks we have just mentioned and not to cause problems to the patient, we remove the formed fat pad that causes under-eye bags with a 5-millimeter point micro-operation performed just under the lower eyelashes.
In Laser Eyelid Aesthetics, we use the laser to remove excess sagging skin tissue, starting from the base of the eyelashes on the lower eyelid and from the oval line that forms when we open the eye on the upper eyelid. In a sense, we evaporate the excess skin tissue there.
What is Cat Eyes - Almond Eye Aesthetics?
Cat eyes, also known as Canthoplasty, is a surgical technique used to lift the outer corners of the eyes, correct drooping eyelids, and provide extra eyelid support after upper or lower Blepharoplasty. Almond eye and Cat eye can be considered the same surgery, the difference from each other is the ratio of the slant. Cat eyes and almond eyes are ideal for changing a tired or sad expression on the face into a positive one and giving a younger look to the eye area by obtaining the “cat eye”, “almond eye” appearance, which has recently been popularly used for this eyelid aesthetic.
In cat eyes-almond eye aesthetics, the sagging, loose lower eyelid is tightened and the end of the upper eyelid is reshaped and repositioned. This procedure is performed to reconstruct a weakened or stretched eyelid by fixing the lower eyelid, elevating the outer corners of the eyes and improving their overall shape.
A minimally invasive approach is used for this procedure, resulting in better eye skin distribution with discreet scars. In Cat eyes and Almond eyes, the lower eyelid tissues (muscle and tarsus) are passed under the lateral canthal tendon and sutured to the periosteum, that is, the bone membrane. While sewing, cat eyes are pulled more, and almond eyes are pulled less, and the surgery is completed.
In Laser Eyelid Aesthetics, we use the laser to remove excess sagging skin tissue, starting from the base of the eyelashes on the lower eyelid and from the oval line that forms when we open the eye on the upper eyelid. In a sense, we evaporate the excess skin tissue there.
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Good candidates for eyelid aesthetics are healthy men and women who are bothered by signs of aging of the upper and/or lower eyelids. Eyelid aesthetics may not be suitable for individuals with other vision problems that may negatively affect the healing process, such as chronic tearing of the eye, dry eye, eye muscle weakness (ptosis).
Candidates for upper blepharoplasty include individuals with sagging upper eyelids that have fallen down due to excess skin on the upper eyelids. Female patients often state that they cannot even apply makeup along the upper eyelid. In extremely advanced cases, there may be peripheral vision loss caused by excess skin hanging over the lid.
How do I know if I need eyelid surgery or a brow lift?
Your doctor will need to thoroughly evaluate eyebrow position during the consultation. Heaviness in the upper eyelid may indeed be a result of excess eyelid skin, in which case upper eyelid aesthetics would be appropriate. The weight caused by sagging eyebrows will also require eyebrow lifting.
Candidates for lower blepharoplasty are people with unwanted bags or swelling along their lower eyelids. These patients often complain of dark shadows under the eyes or the appearance of dark circles. These abnormalities are typically a result of the aging process, resulting in fat under the eye, skin laxity, muscle weakness, and hollowing out between the lower eyelid and cheek. One or more of these findings are usually present in lower eyelid patients.
For both upper and lower eyelid surgery, the patient’s eyelids are carefully marked while standing or standing upright. This ensures proper positioning of the eyelid skin, muscle and fat and the amount of changes to be made. For upper blepharoplasty, an incision is made within the natural skin crease in the upper eyelid. In most cases, the underlying auricularis oculi muscle will be reshaped conservatively by removing a very narrow band of muscle or shaping the muscle with a bipolar cautery instrument. Additionally, excess upper eyelid fat is meticulously removed. Fine stitches are placed. For the lower eyelid, a discreet incision is made along the inner surface of the eyelid. Excess fat is removed with careful surgical technique and the incision is closed with absorbable sutures.