What is Cheek Aesthetics?
Hollywood cheek aesthetics is an application that allows the face to be transformed from a U shape to a V shape and to make the cheekbones more prominent. A person’s facial features play a very important role in his recognition in society and in distinguishing him from others. We can say that especially when we consider a person, our first attention focuses on the face area. Although the nose, mouth, cheeks, lips, eye color and hair on the face are not examined separately at first, they serve the beauty of the face as an integral part of the whole face.
Face and Golden Ratio
People’s beauty criteria are actually related to proportional organ distribution and the percentage of existing tissue. For example, the lips are thick and full, the nose is slightly high, that is, upturned, the fullness of the cheeks is proportional to the total face, the eyebrows are curved and of course the chin is also small. Therefore, we can say that the beauty of people is linked to the golden ratio. The golden ratio is the value expressed as a percentage of each organ, and if the face aesthetically complies with these percentages, it evokes beauty. If any person’s face has the golden ratio, that face will be admired. The most important and most important element in the golden ratio is the triangular shape of the chin and also the cheeks. Thanks to this ratio, the face looks young, beautiful, attractive and aesthetic. The basis of Hollywood cheek aesthetics is the golden ratio, high cheekbones and, as we said before, the thin chin area.
Bichektomy, What is Hollywood Aesthetics?
Hollywood cheek aesthetics, which is often referred to as Bichektomy, triangular face operation, or V face operation, is also frequently applied to faces where the contour of the face is square and the fat pad on the cheeks is excessive. Successful results are achieved with the operation performed in Hollywood cheek aesthetics. Another name for cheek aesthetics is Bichektomy. Hollywood cheek aesthetics is actually the popular name of the operation. This operation can be described as removing excess fat pads outside the face, that is, on the visible outer surface of the cheeks, without leaving any scars, only inside the mouth, 1 cm away from the cheek area. These removed fat pads cause the full cheeks to drop, the cheekbones to protrude, and the chin to appear small.
Cheek Aesthetic Planning
Cheek aesthetic surgery is a very comfortable surgery that is completed in approximately thirty minutes under local anesthesia or under general anesthesia depending on the request and the general condition of the patient. In general, the experience of the plastic surgeon in this field is very important. In cheek aesthetics, the size and shape of the fat to be removed from the cheek area and the formation of the chin in the desired shape depend on the personalized preparation of the cheek triangle before the operation. In short, the planning must be personalized and made with great care. If excess fat is removed or fat is removed from the wrong area, the desired triangular form cannot be achieved and a good result will not be obtained. In particular, the age of the patient and the size of the jaw and cheekbones form the basis of the amount of fat to be removed. For this reason, do not forget that the experience of your plastic surgeon in this regard is important.
Cheek Aesthetics and Age
We recommend that the cheeks should not be removed before the age of twenty or twenty-five. Unless it is an extreme case, it is better not to have it taken before the age of 20, in order to avoid problems in the future. Because until this age, the thickness of the fat layers and the fullness of the cheeks decreases in later ages, which is why it needs to be at a certain age. In this process, the genetic characteristics of the individual are also decisive.
Hollywood Cheek and Application
Hollywood cheek aesthetics, that is, cheek plastic surgery, is performed with anesthesia or sedation. With the traditional method, the operation is performed only orally and there is no external scar. On the outside, the sides become flatter due to the reduction in the amount of fat inside the cheek. In cheek plastic surgery, if the individual frequently gains and loses weight, it is more appropriate to perform surgery when the individual is overweight. If the incision made in the mouth is made through appropriate anatomical plans, the fat mass can be easily accessed and this excess fat mass, which causes filler in the cheek, can be removed. This large fat mass is called Bichat fat pad, and its anatomical location in humans is predetermined, that is, genetically. The Bichat fat pad has a main mass and three or four appendages. For this reason, your plastic surgeon will decide how much and in what direction to remove it after examining your facial total. He will make a personalized plan.
After Cheek Aesthetics
After cheek aesthetic surgery, there will be small stitches inside the mouth. Therefore, liquid foods should be preferred during the first day after the operation. Later in the day, you can continue to eat normal foods and you should not have any difficulty in chewing slowly. After cheek plastic surgery, mouthwash should be done for the first three days.
Because it is necessary to keep the stitches in the mouth as sterile as possible. Since some of the stitches generally have a soft texture, pain cannot be felt, and sometimes patients even forget that they have stitches in their mouths. After cheek plastic surgery, the stitches in the mouth dissolve within a few days, so the very slight sensitivity they experience in the cheek area disappears within a few days. After the surgery, most patients return to their social lives.
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Hollywood Cheek aesthetics can be performed at almost any age. However, keep in mind that many people begin to lose facial fat around the age of 20-25. If fat reserves are removed before then, it can result in a very thin and possibly unhealthy-looking facial expression.
During your cheek aesthetic examination, your surgeon asks about your aesthetic goals, reviews your options, and explains what can realistically be achieved with buccal fat removal surgery. He also shares with you the risks and complications of surgery, anesthesia choices, fees and postoperative periods. This consultation is when you can ask questions about the surgery and determine if the surgeon is a good option for you. Don’t be afraid to ask too many questions.
Cheek aesthetics begins with the choice of anesthesia, which is determined by your surgeon’s preference and also whether you are performing additional procedures. After anesthesia is administered, your surgeon makes an incision on one side of the inside of your mouth, between the upper molars and the inner cheek. Then, she gently pulls pieces of the oil away from your cheek, one at a time. This process is repeated on the other side of your face and the incisions are closed.
After buccal fat removal surgery, you may experience slight swelling and tenderness on your lower face. You will have slight bruising in your pain. It is recommended that you eat a special diet with non-acidic foods for a while, sleep with your head slightly elevated, and wash your mouth with antiseptic mouthwash several times. The swelling will go away after about 3 days.
As the edema subsides, you will see preliminary results within a week or two, but it may take up to several months to see the full results of cheek aesthetics.