What is Hair Mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy, which has emerged as the favorite renewal movement of recent times, also attracts attention with its hair mesotherapy. Hair mesotherapy helps both revitalize existing hair and provide protective and supportive treatment to the root transferred tissue after hair transplantation.

Mesotherapy, which means injecting under the skin, is a type of mid-skin treatment. Mesotherapy application is carried out by experts in the field working within Estetik International Health Group by applying pharmacological, homeopathic and natural plant extracts to the patient with multiple injection methods. Although its name has been heard as hair mesotherapy in our country in recent years, it is actually an old system dating back to 1952. Hair mesotherapy is the application of microinjection in very minimal doses to the dermis or hypodermis areas in the middle layer of the scalp with very fine-tipped needles.

By applying hair mesotherapy to the dermis layer, which is the functional area of ​​the skin in the hair area, the hair follicle is nourished. When the vitamins, minerals, oligoligement and circulation regulators that the hair tissue needs to be nourished cannot reach it through the capillary, hair mesotherapy comes into play and direct transfer is provided to the target tissue. Although it is thought of as alternative medicine, it is actually a method that has proven to be a medical application, thanks to its application method and FDA-approved pharmacological products it contains. The aim of hair mesotherapy, which can be easily applied to everyone, regardless of women, men and children, is to provide the hair tissue cell metabolism with the support it needs in an alternative way.

Advantages of Hair Mesotherapy

  • Hair mesotherapy is a regional application that is applied to the problematic area and therefore only penetrates this area.
  • Through hair mesotherapy, the necessary therapeutic mixtures are injected into the hair follicle that the capillaries cannot nourish.
  • It is observed that hair loss stops with hair mesotherapy.
  • Hair mesotherapy ensures that the hair becomes thicker and shiny by nourishing it from the root.
  • Hair mesotherapy is not an alternative medicine practice and has no known side effects.
  • In hair mesotherapy, FDA-approved drugs that provide maximum benefit in minimal dosages are used.
  • Hair mesotherapy is performed in Estetik International clinics, accompanied by professionals who are experts in the field.
  • By applying personal sessions in hair mesotherapy, the sessions are organized according to the weekly appointments of the candidate to be treated, and it is aimed to provide benefits without wasting time and without making the candidate feel burdensome.
  • The results obtained from hair mesotherapy are quite effective.
  • Hair mesotherapy prices are offered by Estetik International at affordable costs, without affecting the candidate’s budget, and with different payment options.

How Effective is Hair Mesotherapy?

Hair loss is triggered by tightening and shrinkage of the hair follicle, acceleration in the life cycle of the hair tissue, and shortening of the anagen phase. After a special FDA-approved mixture is injected under the skin with very fine-tipped needles, the first effect is noticed by the hair whose roots are nourished, not falling out. Genetic predisposition, nutrition and circulatory disorders, which are among the main causes of hair loss, begin to be affected noticeably. As a result, while the hair roots begin to be nourished and strengthened to a great extent, there is a decrease in hair loss as the regeneration process will be prolonged.

Another effect of this whole nutrition process is observed in the quality of the hair. With hair mesotherapy, unhealthy, lifeless and feather-like hair begins to revitalize by being nourished from the root, and as it revitalizes, it begins to look thicker and brighter. It has been proven that it is beneficial not only for hair loss but also for hair revitalization and is one of the most effective methods to achieve shiny hair.

Another effect of hair mesotherapy is observed in hair cells. Hair mesotherapy, which aims to water the hair like a plant and bring it back to life, stimulates the hair cells and helps the re-formation of hair follicles in thinning areas.

Sessions in Hair Mesotherapy

In hair mesotherapy, a personalized session is applied. In this way, session intervals are arranged taking into account the weekly appointments of the candidate to be treated. In this way, it is aimed to benefit from hair mesotherapy without wasting time or making the candidate feel burdensome. The sessions, which are generally planned once a week in hair mesotherapy, vary depending on the hair type of the candidate to be treated and the degree of hair problem. If you have a lot of hair-related problems and actively shedding hair, the number of sessions will be rearranged by your doctor. If there is no hair loss and those who just want to have vibrant and shiny hair, it will be sufficient to have hair mesotherapy 2 or 3 times with monthly programs.

For intensive cures, usually 10 sessions are applied, especially for male hair mesotherapy candidates, maintenance treatments are applied once or twice a month. For women, a blood test is first performed to get to the source of the problem and then action is taken according to the test results. In order to get the most effective results in hair mesotherapy, where very good results can be achieved even if applied in 1 session, we recommend that you apply mesotherapy support treatments at the same time.

Supportive Treatments for Mesotherapy

With treatments supporting hair mesotherapy, you can get results for your hair in the most effective way and in a very short time. Supportive treatments such as radiofrequency and hair laser applied together with hair mesotherapy are applications designed to help you reach your goal in a short time. In addition, the hair tonic shampoo and hair oils recommended by your doctors at Estetik International clinics provide external reinforcement of problem areas that are nourished internally by hair mesotherapy. For androgenetic-related problems encountered in male pattern hair loss, your doctor may start using prescription medications. This type of drug treatment helps us achieve more effective results in patients whose hair loss started as recently as 5 years ago. We can also obtain positive results in patients who only have a gap in the front of their head and have not progressed to full baldness. The use of these drugs, which must be taken with the advice of a doctor, will greatly increase the effectiveness of hair mesotherapy.

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    Health Tourism Treatments We Offer

    Nose Aesthetics

    • Simple Rhinoplasty
    • Nose Aesthetics and Imaging Device with 3D
    • Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty
    • Revision Rhinoplasty

    Facial Aesthetics

    • Face Lift
    • Neck Lift
    • Spider Web Aesthetics
    • Prominent Ear Aesthetics
    • Eyebrow Transplantation
    • Eyebrow Lift
    • Cheek Aesthetics – Bichectomy
    • Eyelid Aesthetic
    • Under Eye Dark Circle Treatment
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    Breast Aesthetics

    • Breast Enlargement
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    • Breast Lift
    • Fat Transfer to Breast
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    Body Aesthetics

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    Dental Treatments

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    • Aesthetics and Porcelain Fillings
    • Smile Design
    • Porcelain Lamina
    • Zirconium Teeth – Zirconium Crowns
    • Full Porcelain Teeth

    Hair Transplantation

    • Organic Hair Transplantation
    • FUE Hair Transplantation
    • Hair Mesotherapy
    • Beard and Sideburn Transplantation
    • Wound and Burn Scar Transplantation
    • Mustache Transplantation

    Genital Aesthetics

    • Vaginal Aesthetics
    • Penis Aesthetics

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