Breasts, especially due to gravity and breastfeeding, experience some sagging problems and, most importantly, loss of firmness, or some individuals’ breasts are not the size they wish from birth. Although the majority of our female patients think that this problem can only be solved with breast enlargement surgery, it is actually possible to achieve fullness in the breast with fat injection.
The unnatural, artificial appearance of silicone-based implants, which are often placed after breast augmentation procedures, deters many women from breast aesthetics. In addition, the fact that these implants placed in the body are foreign objects is one of the issues that many women are hesitant about. Fat transfer to the breast offers an extremely natural and organic solution at this point. Existing fat tissue is removed from any area of the body with regional fat. After it is made rich in stem cells, it is injected into the breast area. In this way, they both get rid of the problem of regional fatness and give their breasts the size they desire. However, fat injection may not be suitable for those who have excessive sagging problems in their breasts or who want to reach a size of 3-4 cups.
As Estetik International family, we always say that firmness, not size, is important in the breasts. For this reason, we would like to pay attention to the firmness and vitality of the breasts rather than their size, and if there is an opposite situation, we would like to emphasize that this can be prevented with fat injection.
Who Can Have Breast Fat Transfer?
- Those who do not have excessive sagging problems in their breasts
- Those who do not have symmetry problems in their breasts
- Those who want to add firmness and vitality to their breasts
- Those who want to grow 1 or 2 cups
- Those who want to have breast aesthetics without any incision scars
- Those who want to get rid of regional fat with the same operation
- Those who do not want to put any foreign substance into their body
- Those who want to experience a rapid recovery process
Candidates who meet all these items are suitable candidates for fat transfer to the breast. This procedure, which does not involve the possible risks of traditional breast enlargement operations, is less stressful for the body, the recovery period is extremely short, and it is simple but also gives the most natural results.
How is Fat Transfer Done to the Breast?
Fat transfer to the breast is done by taking the fat from the area where the patient has a regional fat problem, enriching it with stem cells, and injecting it into the breast area. Our founder Op. Dr. Bülent Cihantimur’s Cihantimur Fat Transfer technique, which has entered the world medical literature and is known by his surname, is applied. Cihantimur Fat Transfer technique has a different feature than other fat injections. While regional fat is removed from the patient’s body, the closed lipocid technique is used to transfer the fat to the other area in a living state, without taking in air. The fat transferred in this way continues its life in its new area in a lively, long-term and dense form. Breasts are provided with an average size and density of 2 cups. If there is no excessive sagging in the breasts, a lift can be performed with Spider Web Aesthetics or a breast lift procedure may be on the agenda. If surgical breast lift is not performed, all other procedures are performed without an incision. Fat injection is performed through micro-entrances, while Spider Web Aesthetics is applied through threads placed under the skin with fine-tipped needles.
Fat transfer to the breast has no side effects in terms of health. Since it is performed in its most natural form and by injection of fat and stem cells taken from the patient’s own body, it appears to be the healthiest and most natural choice compared to other breast enlargement techniques. It does not cause any loss of sensation in the nipple. It does not prevent breastfeeding. Since it is performed by transferring living cells in a structure rich in stem cells, there is no melting that can occur in classical fat injections. Those who have fat transfer to the breast maintain their new breast size for life.
Advantages of Fat Transfer to the Breast
- It is an application made without interruption and with micro inputs and outputs.
- The fat to be transferred is taken from the area where the patient has a regional fat problem, thus eliminating the regional fat problem.
- All the advantages of the Cihantimur Fat Transfer technique are provided, especially benefits such as vitality and renewal.
- The healing process is extremely short and very comfortable.
- The patient can go home after the procedure
- First of all, the breasts are given tremendous vitality.
- It is the technique that has the healthiest and most natural appearance among breast enlargement applications.
- Does not cause loss of sensation in the breast
- Does not include possible risks of surgical breast augmentation surgeries
After Fat Transfer to the Breast
Since no incision is made during the procedure, there are only micro-point sized entries in the area where the fat is extracted and in the breast area where it is transferred. This allows the patient to go through the recovery process extremely quickly and comfortably. Although it varies depending on the degree of fat removed and transferred, the patient recovers and can return to social life within 1-2 days on average. It is possible to continue your life with the fat taken from your own body after fat injection into the breast, which does not experience any aging or wear-out, as is the case with prostheses placed on the body. In addition, this transfer fat, which is rich in stem cells, revitalizes the skin quality of the breast area where it is injected and helps the micro-entrances and exits, even if they are points, to heal much faster and the area to renew itself.
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Fat transfer is a filling application that has been done for many years. This procedure is performed by removing the patient’s own fat and transferring it to another area of the patient in need. Since it has its own texture, it does not cause any problems.
Op. Dr. Cihantimur Fat Transfer technique developed by Bülent Cihantimur is used. This closed lipocid system not only allows higher amounts of fat to be extracted, but also allows the stem cells in the fat to survive without contact with air.
With this technique, we see that the fat adheres to the transferred area much better, revitalizes the area, and we have achieved all the advantages of using the patient’s own fat without using an artificial volumetric filling material.
Fat transfer to the breast begins by removing fat from the area with regional fat problem. Then, these collected fats are transferred to the breast. The current loss of shape and lost firmness in the breast is eliminated by fat transfer to the breast. After the operation, the patient gets rid of both problematic regional fat and out-of-shape breasts and experiences the comfort of two different procedures.
If the spider web technique is applied to the area before fat transfer to the breast, the lifting mechanism in the breasts is activated and sagging is also eliminated. Spider Web Technique is a technique in which medical threads placed under the skin with fine-tipped needles stimulate collagen production in the area, allowing the body to create its own collagen network. In breasts undergoing Spider Web Aesthetics, the fat filling injected between the ropes greatly increases the success of the fat transfer technique to the breast.