B Travel

B Travel Agency Congress Services

Effective and Trouble-free Meetings in the Business World

Organizing an important business event is an excellent opportunity to introduce your company and brand to a wider audience, bring together experts and strengthen collaborations. As B Travel Agency, we organize impressive meetings that will best reflect your company’s vision with congress services.

Congress Services

Congress services are events that usually bring together large groups of participants and enable the exchange of information by bringing together experts on a particular subject or sector. These events often include seminars, conferences, panels, and special events.

Event Planning and Coordination

B Travel Agency offers you professional support at every stage of your congress. We take care of details such as event planning, attendee registration, hotel reservations and transportation arrangements.

Venue Selection and Decoration

Choosing the most suitable venue for the congress is critical to the success of the event. As B Travel Agency, we determine the suitable venues for you and organize special decorations and arrangements for your event.

Speaker and Panelist Management

Speakers and panelists who are experts in their fields are one of the important factors that determine the success of a congress. B Travel Agency selects suitable speakers for your event and manages their attendance.

Technology Support

We provide the necessary technological infrastructure for your conferences to proceed smoothly. We organize sound systems, visual presentations and interactive technology supports.

Meeting and Communication Materials

We design materials to be used during the congress process. Details such as invitations, program brochures, and personalized notebooks with your name help the event leave a professional and attentive impression.

As B Travel Agency, we offer personalized planning that suits the purpose of your congress and your company culture. It professionally coordinates every detail of your event with an experienced and expert team.

With our wide venue portfolio, we select and organize the most suitable congress venues for you. We support your events with audio and video systems based on the latest technology. We strengthen your event by selecting speakers and panelists that suit your needs.

Organize unforgettable meetings in the business world with B Travel Agency Congress Services. Contact us for professional support and detailed planning. May your congress be held with the highest standards and success!